Sales - Fabric
Fabric, 8oz. Non-Woven 15'x300'
Manufacturer: Skaps
Model: GT180
Sale Price: $951.60
Additional Information
- Weight (Typical) ASTM D5261 oz/sy (g/sm) 8.0 (271)
- Grab Tensile ASTM D4632 lbs (kN) 205 (.911)
- Grab Elongation ASTM D4632 % 50
- Trapezoid Tear
- Strength
- ASTM D4533 lbs (kN) 85 (.378)
- Puncture Resistance ASTM D4833 lbs (kN) 130 (.578)
- Mullen Burst ASTM D3786 psi (kPa) 400 (2756)
- Permittivity* ASTM D4491 I/sec 1.4
- Water Flow* ASTM D4491 gpm/sf (I/min/sm) 90 (3657)
- A.O.S.* ASTM D4751 U.S. Sieve (mm) 80 (.180)
- U.V. Resistance ASTM D4355 %/hrs 70/500
* Prices are subject to change. Applicable sales tax, delivery, and other fees are not included in this price estimate.
* Please call us with any questions about our fabric 8oz. non woven 15 foot x300 foot in Aberdeen OH, Maysville KY, Manchester, Georgetown, West Union and the Cincinnati Metro Area.